ID Course Number Μάθημα Διδάσκων Αίθουσα Ημέρα Ώρα Μονάδες Προαπαιτούμενα
AGRON1011 AGRON1011 Acarology & Nematology 5
AGRON1001 AGRON1001 Integrated Crop Management & Certification 5
AGRON1019 AGRON1019 Post - Harvest Treatment of Fruits & Vegetables 5
AGRON1018 AGRON1018 Greenhouses 5
AGRON1014 AGRON1014 Plant Nutrition & Fertilizers 5
AGRON1022 AGRON1022 Molecular Plant - Microbe Interactions 5 None
AGRON1024 AGRON1024 Sericulture 5
AGRON1004 AGRON1004 Aromatic Plants and Essential Oils 5
AGRON0003 AGRON0003 Specialized Vegetable Crop Production 5
ECO0007 ECO0007 Agricultural and food marketing 5
ECO0019 ECO0019 Natural Resources & Environmental Economics 5