Food and water hygiene and safety fundamentals

Food and water hygiene and safety fundamentals

Post Graduate / Compulsory

Specialty: Biotechnology and Food Hygiene

Coordinator: A. Alexopoulos

Semester: 2nd

ECTS: 7.5

Tutor(s): A. Alexopoulos / other, visiting


Tel & Fax: 25520 41149


Access to the teaching material (e-class) is available to registered user only.


Chemical, physical and microbiological safety of foods. Epidemiology of foodborne diseases and incidences. Personal hygiene. Hygiene of food premises and food processing equipment. Food processing technology and food safety. Preservation and shelf-life of foods. Drinking water, steam and ice quality. Treatment and disinfection of water. Food claims.

Teaching material in Greek (available in the Department’s Library):

  • Υγιεινή και τεχνολογία του γάλακτος και των προϊόντων του. Μάντης Α.
  • Ασφάλεια τροφίμων. Αρβανιτογιάννης Ι, Σάνδρου Δ, Κούρτης Λ.
  • Συσκευασία τροφίμων. Μπλούκας Ι.
  • Τεχνολογίες επεξεργασίας και συσκευασίας τροφίμων, Αρβανιτογιάννης Ι, Στρατάκος Α.
  • Στοιχεία τεχνολογίας, μεταποίησης και συσκευασίας τροφίμων. Αρβανιτογιάννης Ι, Μποσνέα Λ.
  • Τεχνολογία επεξεργασίας οπωροκηπευτικών. Καραουλάνης Γ.
  • Τεχνολογία & Ποιότητα Φρούτων & Λαχανικών. Αναγνωστοπούλου Α., Ταλέλλη Α.
  • Μικροβιολογία τροφίμων και πεπτικού συστήματος, Μπεζιρτζόγλου Ε.
  • Επεξεργασία και συντήρηση τροφίμων. Μπλούκας Ι.
  • Υγιεινή Βιομηχανιών Τροφίμων και Φαρμάκων. Μπεζιρτζόγλου Ε.
  • Τεχνολογία κρέατος. Μπλούκας Ι.
  • Θέματα Υγιεινής Τροφίμων και Διατροφής. Αλεξανδρόπουλος Θ.
  • Οδηγός καταναλωτή για ασφαλή μεταχείριση τροφίμων. Αρβανιτογιάννης Ι, Τζούρος Ν.


Teaching material in English (available by the coordinator):

  • Bacterial flora in digestive disease. Scarpignato C, Lanas A.
  • Hygiene for Management: A text for food safety courses. Sprenger R.
  • Modern food microbiology. Jay M.
  • Kurita Handbook of water treatment. Takahide S.
  • Automation for food engineering. Clydesdale F.
  • Statistical aspects of the microbiological examination of foods. Jarvis B.
  • Freshwater microbiology. Sigee D.
  • Food safety handbook. Schmidt R, Rodrick G.
  • Food safety and food quality, Hester R, Harrison M.
  • Foodborne pathogens: Hazards, risk analysis and control. Blackburn W, McClure
  • Hygiene in food processing. Lelieveld M, Mostert A, Holah J, White B.
  • Introduction to food toxicology. Shibamoto T, Bjeldanes L.
  • Food hygiene. Marwala K.

Learning outcome:

By the end of the semester students should be able to:

  • Assess, identify and sort possible food hazards of chemical, physical or microbiological nature.
  • Evaluate epidemiological data based on food-borne incidence.
  • Comprehend the importance of necessary measures taken during food processing in order to prevent food hazards.
  • Evaluate the proper actions during food production.
  • Adopt the most efficient methodology in food shelf-lime and preservation estimation.
  • Assess water quality used as drinking or during food production in the forms of ice and steam as well as water’s treatment technology.
  • To identify the proper food claims.

Method of assessment:

By written examinations at the end of the semester and a literature review assignment (during the semester).

Final performance score (maximum: 100):


  1. Written examinations: 75%
  2. Literature review assignment: 25%




List of Lectures ‘Food and water hygiene and safety fundamentals’


Week Title Tutor
1 Presentation of course outline  and assignments A., Alexopoulos
2 Food hazards A., Alexopoulos
3 Spoilage microorganisms and pathogens A., Alexopoulos
4 Historical and recent data of food-borne epidemics A., Alexopoulos
5 Food and personal hygiene A., Alexopoulos
6 Requirements and particularities in food industry A., Alexopoulos
7 Thermal processing of foods A., Alexopoulos
8 Non-thermal processes and packaging A., Alexopoulos
9 Food shelf-life and preservation. Regulations, methods. A., Alexopoulos
10 Water quality A., Alexopoulos
11 Ice and steam quality A., Alexopoulos
12 Water treatment A., Alexopoulos
13 Food claims regulations A., Alexopoulos
14 Assignment delivery
15 Written examinations